Grace Bernhardt | graceb at msu dot edu Bernhardt is working towards her Master's degree in Digital Rhetoric & Professional Writing at Michigan State University. Bernhardt works as a consultant in the Writing Center. Her interests include editing and publishing, marketing writing, technical writing, new media, and web and graphics design. |
Andréa Davis | davisa28 at msu dot edu Rhetoric & Writing || Digital Rhetorics & Cultural Rhetorics; Andréa is a PhD student in the Rhetoric & Writing program at Michigan State University where she also teaches first year writing as a graduate TA. Her program emphases are in digital rhetorics and cultural rhetorics focusing on issues of language, power, identity and culture. Davis’ dissertation research combines rhetorical analysis, visual rhetorics, historiography, archival research, and proxemics to analyze Native American representations and the cultural significance, power relations and language use in museum design and display. |
Danielle Nicole DeVoss | | devossda at msu dot edu DeVoss is an Associate Professor and Director of Professional Writing at Michigan State University. DeVoss teaches core courses in the Professional Writing undergraduate program and in the Rhetoric & Writing graduate program. Her research interests include digital and visual rhetoric, computer/technological literacies; feminist interpretations of and interventions in computer technologies; professional writing; technical communication; and issues of rhetoric in disciplines such as nursing and medicine. Digital Writing Research: Technologies, Methodologies, and Ethical Issues, a critical collection co-edited by DeVoss and Heidi McKee, is currently in production. DeVoss is currently working with McKee and Dickie Selfe on a collection titled Technological Ecologies and Sustainability: Methods, Modes, and Assessment. |
Joy Durding | durdingr at msu dot edu Durding is a recent graduate of the Digital Rhetoric & Professional Writing Master’s degree program. Her research interests include online course development, digital identity formation, composing with new media, and teaching with technology. She also has a BA in English and is certified to teach English and psychology in grades 7-12. Durding is currently working as the Instructor of Humanities and Technology within the Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities at Michigan State University. |
Douglas Eyman | | eymand at earthlink dot net Eyman, Senior Editor of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, is currently pursuing graduate studies in the Rhetoric and Writing Program at Michigan State University. He has served on the board of directors of the Alliance for Computers and Writing and as a member of NCTE's Instructional Technology Committee; he is currently a member of the CCCC Committee on Computers in Composition and Communication. Douglas is also the editor of H-Digirhet ( and web editor of He has taught online courses for the Graduate Center at Marlboro College and the Community College of Southern Nevada. His dissertation (in-progress) examines e-Portfolios, knowledge economies, and a theory of circulation for digital rhetoric. |
Kristen Lare Flory | florykri at msu dot edu Flory is an editor and project manager for University Relations at Michigan State University (MSU). She is responsible for the marketing strategy, writing, production and identity development of publications for university clients. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Digital Rhetoric and Professional Writing. Her academic interests include digital and visual communications, integration of technology and print, writing in the workplace, editing and publishing, culture and technology, and usability. |
Angela Haas | ahaas at msu dot edu I'm a PhD student in the Rhetoric & Writing graduate program at Michigan State University and am currently the editorial assistant of SAIL: Studies in American Indian Literatures, a peer-reviewed quarterly journal devoted to the study of American Indian writing. I am of mixed-blood Cherokee, German, and other European American ancestry. My recent research includes the investigation of digital writing practices of women and American Indians and the cultural and political contexts that shape those practices, as evidenced by ppublications in Computers & Composition, Computers & Composition Online, and the forthcoming edited collection of Webbing Cyberfeminist Practices. Pursuing a concentration in digital cultural rhetorics, my current research is concerned with revisioning the history of digital and visual rhetoric through the recovery of indigenous rhetorics. I expect to graduate May 2008. |
Matt Penniman | | penniman at gmail dot com Penniman is a Master's student in Digital Rhetoric & Professional Writing. Penniman is the Communications and Housing Coordinator at Allen Neighborhood Center in Lansing, Michigan. He is also pursuing a master's degree in Digital Rhetoric and Professional Writing at Michigan State University. He is one of the founding members of the Capital Area Community Media Center. His main interests include community media, digital literacy, and technology access issues, as well as the use of information systems in community development. |
Martine Rife | | courantm at msu dot edu Rife is a Research Assistant at the WIDE Research Center and a PhD student in the Rhetoric & Writing program at Michigan State University. She has a Master's degree in Digital Rhetoric & Professional Writing from Michigan State University, a law degree (JD) from the University of Denver, and an English degree (AB) from the University of Michigan. She is admitted to practice law in Colorado and Michigan with an active license in Michigan. Her research interests include intellectual property issues as they intersect with composition studies & technical writing, and grant & proposal writing. Classes taught include Writing Law & Justice, Health Law & Ethics, and first year writing. Her work has most recently appeared in Pedagogy Critical Approaches in Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture. She is currently conducting a pilot study titled: Digital Composing and Fair Use: Exploring Knowledge and Understanding of Fair Use among Teachers and Students in a University Professional Writing Program. |
Roberto Ilario Reyes |
digital.nines at gmail dot com Reyes is an undergraduate Professional Writing Student at Michigan State University and in-house web designer at the Writing in Digital Environments Research Center. In spite of evidence to the contrary, he is NOT a cyborg fueled only by consumption of obscenely caffeinated beverages, but he will never turn one down if offered. Roberto’s current research focuses on the impact of the open source movement on technology accessibility, as well as the everyday rhetorics of interpersonal relationships. |
Suzanne Rumsey | |
rumseys at ipfw dot edu I am an Assistant Professor of English, Professional Writing. My research interests include literacy studies; heritage and cultural rhetorics; multimodality; multiliteracies pedagogy; computer/technology and digital literacies; writing in the disciplines or WAC; inter- and intra-generational meaning making; faith-based literacy practices; and basic writing. I recently completed my dissertation, titled “Multimodal Discourse and Heritage Literacy Practices,” and I’ll be working to publish various parts in the coming months. I also have plans to convert the entire work into a book within the next three years. I’ve been hired by Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) as an Assistant Professor of English where I’ll be teaching technical writing and composition. My husband, David, and I have four cats named Merlin, Zoe, Pedro, and Moses. We have recently purchased a home in Fort Wayne and found that solid green carpet shows every bit of their shed hair. We’ve also grown accustomed to a daily trip to Home Depot. |
Stephanie Sheffield | | stephanie dot sheffield at gmail dot com Rhetoric & Writing, Critical Studies in Literacy and Pedagogy; Stephanie is currently conducting her dissertation research into peer response of student new media compositions, and plans to complete her doctoral studies in 2007. Her interests include composing with digital and new media technologies, writing center theory and practice, assessment and evaluation of digital/new media texts, and talking about herself in the third person. |
Adam Treadwell | treadw10 at msu dot edu BA in Professional Writing from MSU, focus in Editing & Publishing; Adam graduated from MSU with a BA in Professional Writing in May 2006, with a focus in Editing & Publishing. He has a variety of work experiences including sales and marketing, public relations, and non-profit work. |
Casey Anne Wright | ruddenca at msu dot edu Master’s; Digital Rhetoric & Professional Writing; I graduated with a B.A. in English from MSU last May, with extensive coursework in Professional Writing. I decided to pursue further study in the field. The DR&PW program offered opportunities to extend my study of writing into new media, and to use my skill with language and rhetorical methodology to help study and solve social problems surrounding new media design and the interaction of design around user goals. My specific interests in the program lie-in user-centered design, interaction design, usability study, and technical communication. I am also a graduate research assistant at MSU's Usability & Accessibility Center (UAC). During the second year of my study, I plan to do coursework in Rhetoric Theory & History, Professional Writing Theory & Research, Human-Computer Interaction, and Non-Fiction Writing, along with participating in an internship with TechSmith Corp., a software development company, in the User Experience department. In May, 2006, I was married and took my husband’s last name, changing mine from Rudden to Wright. I will graduate after the Spring 2007 semester at which point I plan on beginning my career in my various fields of interest in the mid-michigan area. |